Your choice, Your experience
Campers get to choose their activities nearly every day, making their experience at Colvig Silver Camps extremely unique.

Every summer our counseling staff develop a completely new and unique activity schedule for campers that provide them with opportunities to learn new skills, discover interests, and create lasting memories. Due to the ingenuity of our counseling staff, the range of morning, afternoon, and evening activities is limitless.
As the counseling staff develop activity ideas they make sure every activity has clear primary goals, informative skill building, room for campers to use their imagination, freedom to progress at their own pace, and a large dose of fun. Together, counselors develop different activities for each period of the daily schedule that offers a range of opportunity from traditional camp fun, to innovative and unexpected ventures that can be low-key and relaxing or active.
The counseling staff develop the activity plans, and the campers help the activity evolve by using their imaginations alongside staff.

Many CSC activities find their flare at our Arts and Crafts area “The Art Barn” or in our “Costume Closet” where campers are encouraged to bring their own personality to the theme of their activities. The personal touch brought to activities by staff and campers together is what makes our program unique and memorable to all. While the members of an activity work together to develop practical skill-sets in new areas, they also learn to communicate within a group and take ownership of the fun.
On a typical day in camp, campers will participate in a Free Choice activity as well as a Bag, Discovery, or Exploration. In the evenings counseling staff plan group-oriented activities like campfires, dances, game nights, stargazing, and team-building exercises.
Activity Types

Free Choices
A Free Choice is an activity offered either in the morning or afternoon on any given day in camp. Free Choices give campers multiple options to provide a broad range of experience in their time at camp. Counselors can offer more traditional options like a lake activity, court sports, or capture the flag, or they can bring something unique to the table such as quidditch or building a bow fire.
Our counseling staff often mix up even the traditional Free Choices with fun themes like superhero basketball, or space invader scavenger hunts that encourage campers and staff to raid our costume closet at the beginning of the activity.

Bags, Discoveries & Explorations
Bags, Discoveries, and Explorations are three-part progressive activities that take place during three different activity periods throughout the session. These activities can go more in depth with activities like horseback riding, rock climbing, mountain biking, target sports, and aquatics. Campers also have the option to participate in three-day activities that are themed, where programming staff will use their imaginations alongside campers to create learning adventures around camp.

All Days
Campers can occasionally participate in day-long activities where they choose a destination, pack a lunch at breakfast, and head out on an all-day adventure. Destinations are usually off-site, riding horses, climbing peaks, mountain biking, rock climbing, and much more. These trips give campers an opportunity to explore new places and discover new challenges in the San Juans alongside their friends.

Special Days
Throughout the summer there are four special days here at CSC, and every camper gets to participate in at least one! The coordinators from Homestead, Saddle, Spruce, and Outpost, each develop a themed special day with exciting foods, games, and decorations around camp that create a fun environment for all ages to come together and enjoy a different kind of day! Special Day themes can vary from some of our favorite childhood books and classic Hollywood films, to cultural appreciation and community service. Campers will have the opportunity to make new friends in different age groups and share a wonderful adventure.
Experience a Summer of Significance
"Now I see the secret of making the best persons.
It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth."
~ Walt Whitman ~