Your Memories, Your Stories
When a camper from Colvig Silver Camps tells you a story, it will most likely be a memory of one of their adventures on the trail.
Our expeditions, your next adventure

Colvig Silver Camps is located in the foothills of the beautiful San Juan Mountains amidst the diverse regions of southwest Colorado and southeast Utah. The surrounding alpine and desert landscape has just about everything a young adventurer could dream of exploring…
Campers of every age will choose from a variety of expeditions that account for the ability levels and interests of their respective age group. Trips range from 3 to 5 days in length and vary between alpine backpacking trips in the San Juan Mountains, desert backpacking trips in the canyon country of southeast Utah, and raft and canoe trips on the neighboring rivers and lakes.
Without camp, I would have never climbed a mountain.
Why the Wilderness?
The opportunities inherent in wilderness travel are unmatched when it comes to inspiring self-confidence, independence, leadership and relational skills.
Ryan has attended Colvig Silver Camps three summers and he loved each trip. I have observed that he seems more confident, independent and happy. Ryan likes having choices about his trips at his age; he enjoys having some control over what he does. He has learned to make friends too.
A New Experience, a New Adventure
We understand that putting all the essential necessities into one pack to be carried for 3 to 5 days at a time can seem daunting.

We are very conscious of helping new and old campers alike to adjust to the experience so they can reap the amazing rewards of spending time in the wilderness. Each program begins with a Cabin Overnight that takes place during the first week at camp. The Cabin Overnight is designed to ease campers into the wilderness backpacking experience. Counselors will help their campers pack their backpacks properly and they will hike a mile or two from their cabins into the surrounding forest to set up camp. They will be introduced to the outdoors as they learn wilderness ethics, outdoor skills, and the importance of self-care and group responsibility. The Cabin Overnight is where cabin mates truly get to know one another and create new friendships as they spend their first night together under the bright stars of the Colorado sky.
Colvig Silver Camps is the best camp ever! I have spent two summers there and it is such an amazing experience. You get to see amazing views and meet amazing new people.

After the Cabin Overnight, campers are ready for their first expedition with their fun, experienced and knowledgeable counselors by their side. They will be offered a selection of trips, and choose their top choices. We strive to give campers their first or second choices as much as possible throughout their time at camp. The day they leave for their expedition, they will pack all their group gear and food, and head to their destination for a new adventure!
Experience a Summer of Significance
"Now I see the secret of making the best persons.
It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth."
~ Walt Whitman ~