Now For Your Questions...
Your most pressing questions answered!

I don’t have very much backpacking or outdoor experience, can I still apply?
Yes! We prefer childcare experience over wilderness experience. Though backpacking experience is a definite plus, we do want you to have at the very least a little camping and outdoor experience, but we will also be training you on all necessary wilderness and leadership skills needed to lead our trips. Pathfinding Instructor applicants should have prior experience leading multi-day wilderness backpacking expeditions in alpine settings and be expereinced in skill sets related to wilderness camping and travel (i.e. navigation, LNT, etc.).
When will I find out what age group I will be working with?
All counseling staff will find out the age group they will be working with mid-way through staff training week. We take into consideration staff member’s level of experience in childcare and wilderness pursuits as well as their requests. Then we get a feel for each staff member’s personality during the first few days of training. We typically have a pretty good idea of age group placement when a staff member is hired, but we feel it is important for the staff member to arrive at camp, meet fellow new and return staff, and learn the culture before committing them to a particular age group. During staff week new staff are encouraged to speak with return staff and supervisors about particular age groups as well as express the age group they would prefer to work with.

How do I get paid?
Salaries are for the entire summer. You will be contracted for the entire summer (at least 10 weeks) and will be paid your summer salary at the end of the summer. If you need money sooner, we are happy to give advances as needed throughout the summer.
What should I bring with me?
Hired staff will receive a staff packing list and emails containing information regarding what they should bring. You should have a good pair of broken in hiking boots. A personal backpacking pack (at least 70L), sleeping bag and sleeping pad are recommended, though we do have these items for rent to staff free of charge. You will also want to bring your own pillow, linens for your bed (twin size) and a towel. We also recommend bringing a few things (e.g. posters, lights, flags, etc.) to personalize your cabin and make it a cozy home.

Will I have any time off?
Seasonal staff will have scheduled time-off about once per week and a mid-summer break in between summer sessions. Working at camp is a big commitment, and considered a 24/7 job (like being a parent) so time off is much different than that of a typical job.

When can I make phone calls?
The best time to make phone calls is on your time off. If you really need to make a phone call, you can ask your supervisor, make sure your campers are supervised, and go make a quick phone call.
Can I bring my pet to camp?
No. Our insurance prohibits seasonal staff from bringing their pets to camp and the commitment level required to do the job effectively would not be possible with a pet.
Can you cater to dietary needs and restrictions?
Yes. We pride ourselves in catering to many dietary needs and restrictions. If you have a severe food allergy or intolerance we will work to make sure you are fed properly. If you are vegetarian we will have vegetarian options at every meal. You may need to make sacrifices at times if you do not like the alternative options that are made available.

What happens if I get hurt at camp?
You are covered under our workers compensation insurance for injuries while working at camp. This does not cover illness so you should maintain some personal health coverage. If you are injured and unable to continue working at camp you will get paid for the portion of your contract you have completed, and we will assist you in finding a way to get home.
Can I have visitors during the summer?
Yes. You can have visitors stop by for a quick hello and they may join us for one meal at camp if you approve it with an administrator. Visitors cannot stay overnight at camp. We suggest having any friends or family visit during mid-summer break if you want to spend more time with them.
Will you do my laundry?
We have a laundry person who does laundry on a regular basis. Laundry is typically collected when you return from trips and returned the following day once it is completed. Your laundry will be done with camper laundry. Otherwise, you may do your own laundry on time off.
Can I check my email or go online?
Though possible, there are very few opportunities to check email or go online while on-duty at camp. The best time to do these things is during time off.
What if I have a body piercing or tattoo?
Additional personal appearance choices such as body piercings or tattoos are generally accepted. For safety reasons, we require that body piercing jewelry be subtle in size and quantity. Tattoos must be appropriate for a childcare setting. At our discretion, we may require, temporarily or for the summer, the removal of piercing jewelry, the covering of a tattoo, or the changing of clothing due to safety or appropriateness, for cabin and staff pictures, and on days parents are on-site.
What is the illegal substance and alcohol policy?
We have a no-tolerance policy for any use or possession of federally illegal substances, which includes marijuana, on and off duty while employed by Colvig Silver Camps. Breaking this policy is grounds for termination of employment. In addition, the use or possession of alcohol while on-duty or on camp property is prohibited and cause for termination of employment. We expect all staff to follow laws surrounding possession or use of alcohol. Alcohol may not be kept anywhere on camp property which includes personal vehicles.
Do you drug test?
Yes. All staff will be subject to random drug testing during their employment and a positive test result will likely be cause for termination of employment.
Can I use tobacco at camp?
No. There is no smoking, vaping, or chewing of tobacco allowed on camp property or while you are on-duty.
I’m 21 or older. Can I drink on my days off?
Yes. You may enjoy an adult beverage on your time off if you are at least 21 years-of-age. You may not show up to camp hungover, intoxicated, or impaired in any way.
How to Apply
Use our online application to apply today.
Contact Tyler Dixon, Camp Director