Goodbye to the Old, Hello to the New!

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We know everyone has a soft spot in their heart for the old website, and we do too. Whether it was the ease of access to information about our program, the late 90s graphics (can you say retro…?), or the map background that at times seems to resemble an arid desert environment. I think we can all agree though, it was time for a change.

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We are proud to introduce you all to the new Colvig Silver Camps website! We hope we’ve preserved some of the qualities everyone loved about the old website, and we hope we’ve added some new features that you will all enjoy as well! So take your time, explore, have fun, and while you’re at it, follow our BLOG, yes, that’s right! a BLOG! - we will have a BLOG you can all follow - keep track of what us and others are up to - and in general stay in touch and up to date with happenings at camp and in the industry!

About Tyler Dixon

Tyler joined the CSC family in the summer of 2008 working as a Head Counselor and then Pathfinding Instructor in 2009. He is currently serving as Camp Director at CSC. In his spare time Tyler enjoys spending time in the beautiful mountains of Colorado, playing or listening to music, and rooting for his hometown team, the St. Louis Cardinals.

Tyler Dixon